President Hage Geingob's legacy is deeply intertwined with the country's constitutional development, from the drafting of the constitutions to their adoption and subsequent amendments.

Compromises had to be made out of divergent positions on governance and the economic system.

Dr. Geingob, with his diplomatic finesse and visionary leadership, steered the Constituent Assembly through these heated debates, ensuring that the divergent views were heard and considered.

One of the main points of contention was the type of government Namibia should adopt. 

Speaker of the National Assembly, Professor Peter Katjavivi, reminisces:

"The constitution has been our guiding light, enabling us to build a strong nation that upholds the rights and freedoms of all the citizens of our great country." 

The late Dr. Geingob played a key role in negotiating a compromise that led to the adoption of a semi-presidential system, striking a balance between strong executive leadership and parliamentary oversight.

Economic policy was another area of intense debate, with different positions advocating for various economic systems. 

Some favoured a socialist approach, advocating for state control of key industries and resources. 

Others argued for a free-market economy, emphasising private enterprise and minimal government intervention.

Geingob recognised the need for a pragmatic approach that would address the country's unique challenges; this led to the adoption of a mixed economy. 

This approach, enshrined in the constitution, aimed to combine state intervention with private enterprise, allowing for economic growth while ensuring social welfare and equality.

A member of the Constituent Assembly, Jerry Ekandjo, says it was a question of give and take. Our constitution was in support of an executive president, while other parties wanted a ceremonious president and an executive prime minister.

Geingob's legacy lies not only in the constitutional framework he helped shape but also in the spirit of unity and reconciliation he embodied.

His ability to bring together diverse views and forge consensus was instrumental in laying the foundation for Namibia's democratic governance and economic development.

Many who paid him tribute identified with the notion that, Dr. Geingob's legacy serves as a reminder of the importance of dialogue, compromise, and unity in nation-building.



Daniel Nadunya