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In a heart-warming initiative, the Windhoek-based Wanderers Rugby Club is not only dominating the field but also investing in grooming the future rugby stars.

Beyond the intense on-field action, Wanderers Rugby Club has been organizing coaching clinics for young players aged 9 to 13 at its sports field in Windhoek.

The Wanderers Sport Ground buzzed with excitement as kids from all corners of Windhoek eagerly joined the 2-hour coaching clinic.

This initiative, offered at no cost, aligns with the mornings of each Wanderers' home game during their premier league season.

The coaching staff and players from Wanderers generously shared their knowledge and love for the game with the young participants.

The atmosphere was electric as the budding players refined their skills, learned new techniques, and most importantly, enjoyed playing the sport they are passionate about.

Craig Böck, a participant from Pionierspark Primary School, radiated excitement.

This sentiment was echoed by other participants like Day-Shaun van Wyk from Emma Hoogenhout Primary School and Pershwill Nashima from Kleine Professor College, who all expressed their appreciation for the opportunity to learn from the best.

The next opportunity for young players to join the fun is on May 18th when Wanderers face off against the Dolphins.



Christel Kotze