Police Commander for the Kavango West Region, Commissioner Julia Sakuwa-Neo, says the police have not reacted to transport requests for drought relief with the required urgency. 

"Several times they requested that we authorise the truck, but it is not roadworthy because of the disc. So, on several occasions, because we want to feed the people, we feel like they are hungry, so we just compromise and say, Just go. We will look at the other side, but we are really compromised. I don't know who is responsible for making sure that those cars have discs because this thing is every year in every year out the government stores, all their cars don't have discs I don't know why it's really becoming a problem; we have been compromised many times." 

Deputy Prime Minister John Mutorwa stated that as soon as money is available, the matter will be addressed.

"We have 11 government garages; some, yes, are relatively okay, but some of them this car has been standing there for, I don't know, how many years because the car is finished. It's a hopeless situation in a way, but the government has got plans on how to replenish when the money is there, the money is always in pieces, and so on." 

It was also highlighted that the procurement processes for car parts and maintenance may hamper the timely delivery of food to the beneficiaries.

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Elizabeth Mwengo