

The Social Security Commission (SSC) is one of the few local entities offering paternity leave to employees. 

On this Father's Day, our news team caught up with one of their workers who has benefited from the paternity leave policy. 

This is Arcanjo Paulus. When he is not working as a registrar at the Social Security Commission in Rundu, he spends most of his time with his family.

He has been with the Social Security Commission for almost a decade and was allowed 10 days of paternity leave in 2019 when his son was born.

"I remember when my wife gave birth, for the first two days, she couldn't do much because of the C-section. Even sitting and bending were a bit difficult due to the pain. So, in the morning, I used to wake up early and get the kids ready for school, especially the youngest one. I also prepared breakfast for her."

Paulus says the ten days were a great opportunity to bond with his family, to the point where going back to work felt strange.

"It was a bit weird when I was at work because she would call and say, 'I wanted you to do this for me, but you're not here. I'm in pain and I could feel that.' When you're at work, there's no time to come back and help, unless it's during my lunch break."

During the height of the coronavirus pandemic, his family welcomed another baby, and Paulus took paternity leave again.

However, this time, the SSC had reduced their paternity leave policy from 10 days to five.

He encourages men who have the option of paternity leave to take advantage of it.

"It's worth it because your wife will be very happy for the assistance you'll provide during that time. So, I encourage you to use those days."

This is his message to fellow men on this Father's Day.

"Sometimes we fathers think that providing our children with food, water, and everything else is enough. But it's not. They also need that bond between the children and their father, mother, and our presence. Our physical presence is very important and valuable to them."

His children say his greatest quality is his ability to spend time with them.

Photo Credits
NBC Digital News


Frances Shaahama