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Thu, 07/21/2022 - 23:11

Swakopmund residents have proposed that the constituency be divided into two to better deliver services to the growing population.

The constituency population has grown by 41 percent since 2011.

The 5th Boundaries Delimitation and Demarcation Commission gave the Swakopmund Constituency a second opportunity to consult the community.

At the previous meeting on the 10th, it was discovered that the community was not consulted.

However, only 40 people turned up to share their ideas, and some expressed disappointment in the poor attendance.

Swakopmund resident Rudolf Kahingunga says, "If you look at the turnout of the community itself, they are not more than 13, and we cannot raise and take decisions without proper consultations. We need to engage all the stakeholders to inform us before we take a collective decision on this issue."

"It's an important meeting, but maybe you also have to look at the time when you are doing it. Can you not think about another time because most of the people are at work now? They might have also given input, says Swakopmund resident Aina Uushona. 

The Control Administration Officer at the constituency office said invitations were sent out to various sectors, including the churches, but residents still chose to stay away.

The meeting went ahead, and participants unanimously agreed to support the idea to split Swakopmund into two.

Another resident of Swakopmund, George Ekandjo, added, "We moved from a population of 44,000 to close to 76,000; that's massive, that's a lot, and for us as constituencies to plan accordingly and bring services closer to the people, we need two constituencies, Swakopmund North and Swakopmund South."

The residents could not agree on the boundaries of the proposed constituencies. 

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Renate Rengura