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Stakeholders propose introduction of TVET at primary level


Technical and Vocational Education Training stakeholders in Erongo have supported the proposal to recognise non-formal and informal education and have it introduced at the lower primary level.

Namibia has no unified technical and vocational education training structure, and most interventions are not harmonised.

According to the TVET Standards Manager, only formal education is recognised in Namibia, while those with non-formal and informal education fall through the cracks.

Walvis Bay councillors vote to nullify motion ending Red Force contract


The majority of Walvis Bay councillors have resolved to nullify the motion to terminate its contract with Red Force Debt Management.

The decision was taken at a special council meeting on 27 June, attended by nine councillors.

Deputy Mayor Sara Mutondoka proposed that the motion be nullified, and the majority of the councillors supported her.

It is alleged that the motion to end Red Forces' services, tabled by councillor Ephraim Shozi in April, was not submitted on time, and it was also not referred to the management committee as per the standing rules.

600 houses to be electrified in Karibib


Navachab Gold Mine, Erongo Red, and the Karibib Town Council will co-finance millions of dollars for the electrification of close to 600 houses in the informal settlement.

The co-financing initiatives are further supported by the Ministry of Mines and Energy.

At a ground-breaking ceremony, the Navachab Gold Mine and Karibib Town Council revealed the plan to roll out a N$5 million electrification project in the Usab Informal Settlement.

About 2,000 Usab residents in Karibib own land


Close to 2,000 residents at Karibib have become plot owners at the Usab Informal Settlement after the town council handed over their land ownership certificates.

In 1996, the Namibia Action Housing Group and Shack Dwellers Federation signed an agreement with the Karibib Town Council to improve the Usab Informal Settlement.

During phase 1, community members raised money to survey the land and relocate people for the creation of streets.

The second phase, which is the installation of services, was provided by a local company, Tweya, at no cost.

Karibib Town Council raises N$1.2 million towards Mayoral Fund


The Karibib Town Council has raised N$1.2 million towards its first ever Mayoral Fund, aimed at responding to the various needs of the community.

The Karibib Town Council came up with the idea to establish the first ever mayoral fund and invited the public and private sectors, individuals, and international partners to contribute money and services at an entertaining fundraising dinner.

The mayor says whenever there is a disaster at Karibib, the community approaches the council to assist, but due to budgetary constraints, the people do not get the help.

Ministers condemn brutal killing of Josephine Nauses and children


The Fisheries and Marine Resources Minister and the Deputy Minister of Urban and Rural Development have condemned the brutal killing of 23-year-old Josephine Nauses and her two children at Karibib.

Derek Klazen and Evelyn !Nawases-Taeyele, accompanied by the leadership in Karibib, visited the bereaved family of Josephine Nauses, who died on July 14.

It is alleged that Nauses and her children were killed when her boyfriend, 25-year-old Mandela Mbaunguraiye, allegedly set her shack on fire, resulting in his death as well.

Walvis Bay councillors accuse Mayor of dictatorship


Four councillors walked out of a Walvis Bay Town Council meeting on Tuesday and accused Mayor Trevino Forbes of dictatorship.

Councillors Ephraim Shozi, Albertina Nkoshi, Paulus Kauhondamwa, and Ryan Gordon wanted to discuss the minutes from a meeting with the Minister of Rural and Urban Development and another item they claim was excluded from the agenda. This sparked verbal sparring, which soon spiralled out of control.

Two Karibib families mourn following shack fire tragedy


Two Karibib families in the Erongo Region are plunged into mourning following the deaths of their sister and two nieces in horrific circumstances in the town.

Josephine Nauses and her two daughters died in a blazing inferno after the makeshift shelter they were living in was set on fire.

A 25-year-old man, Mandela Mbaunguraiye, caused the fire, which also claimed his life.

23-year-old Josephine Nauses and Mbaunguraiye had been living together for about seven years. 

New contractor for Swakop Neonatal Unit shows progress


The new contractor for the Neonatal Unit at Swakopmund Hospital is aiming to complete construction by August 26 this year.

The N$26 million project has faced delays over the years, which led to the termination of the tender initially awarded to Shatty Construction.

The Ministry of Health and Social Services says Shatty Construction got the tender in November 2020.

But the company, which is an SME, failed to complete the project in February 2022 as agreed, despite the government allegedly paying the SME.