The organisers of the Keetmanshoop Agriculture, Industrial, and Tourism Expo have raised more than N$100,000 for this year's event, scheduled to take place from October 29 to November 2.

The expo creates a platform for small and medium enterprises to showcase their products and services and to foster smart partnerships with semi-corporate and corporate entities. 

It also creates an occasion for visitors to enjoy themselves.

The Deputy Minister of Finance and Public Enterprises, Maureen Hinda-Mbuende, said the Keetmanshoop Expo has evolved into a prominent national and international trade exhibition, attracting interest from all sectors of the economy. 

"The expo offers enormous opportunities, which we continue to encourage local business communities to take advantage of and to advance our inspiration. I am also informed that the organisers of the cross-border twin agreement that has existed for some years between the ||Kharas Region and Northern Cape Province have managed to bring on board some business from the Northern Cape for this year's expo and are in the process of reciprocating."

Also speaking at the fundraising event, Keetmanshoop Agriculture, Industrial, and Tourism Expo President Charles Jossop ascribed the expo's continuous success each year to the support of the sponsors. 

"Thank you for your contribution towards economic development for the town of Keetmanshoop. As I believe every year when we have the expo, the businesses in the town and in the region are benefiting economically, and if it were not for their contributions, we could not make it a success. 

Bennie Diergaardt is the patron of the expo. 

"Through expos, we are attracting visitors  from different regions and countries, boosting tourism and generating revenue for local businesses such as hotels, lodges, restaurants, and transportation services, and that's why it is important for local businesses to also sponsor expos."

The year's KAITE will be held under the theme 'Tourism and green investment for inclusive economic development'. 

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NBC Digital News


Luqman Cloete