Keetmanshoop residents living in peri-urban areas have expressed gratitude for receiving food parcels under the government's drought relief programme.

The drought relief food parcels consist of two 20-kilogramme maize meal bags, two tins of fish, two packets of soya mince, and two 750-ml cooking oil bottles. 

The Keetmanshoop Urban Chief Administrative Officer, Vincent !Goraseb says about 6,000 residents registered for drought relief food assistance. 

"What we can say is that drought relief is actually targeted for rural areas, but most of the people are moving from rural to urban areas, and they are unemployed and they require food. And really today it is better, but when we started on Tuesday, you could see, you know, that place was swamped with almost 2,000+ people wanting also to be registered, but unfortunately, we could not take new registrations. But the need is also in urban areas for people to be assisted."

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NBC Digital News


Luqman Cloete