Descendants of the Batswana of Namibia who renounced their citizenship two to three years ago are preparing to return home.

They will be taken to the Dobe border post near Gam on August 23rd.

Ombara of the Kambazembi Royal House, Sam Kambazembi, said the group has already made the necessary arrangements to return home.

"At last, the government of Botswana agreed that come the 23rd of August, these people will start being ferried from where they are to the border near Gam-Dobe Border Post, and it is upon us and our government after they have been brought there to bring them into their motherland."
The Namibian government has made the necessary arrangements to receive the group and is preparing for its repatriation.

The group will be received at Gam.

The government, through the National Youth Service, has been hard at work preparing a 21-hectare piece of land in Gam for the returning families to settle on.

The returnees are those whose forefathers fled to Botswana during the German Colonial era.

Ombara Kambazembi was speaking at the commemoration of the Battle of Ohamakari at Okakarara.

The Battle of Ohamakari took place in 1904, and the aftermath of the revolt led to an extermination order issued by the German Governor over South West Africa, Lieutenant General Lothar von Trotha, in which nearly 65,000 Ovaherero people were killed.



Eveline Paulus