The Public Service Commission is holding a stakeholder engagement at Keetmashoop to discuss matters pertaining to human resources administration and management.

The delegation, led by its chairperson, Commissioner Salman Jacobs, will hold consultative meetings over the next three days with the leadership of the ||Kharas Regional Council and visit government agencies. 

"We have a citizenry that has different and diverse views, and therefore it is for us to ensure that we listen to each and every view to ensure that justice prevails, that fairness prevails in all issues that we deal with, and untimely whatever comes out of the commission should have gone through a thorough discussion and thorough analysis before it reached the intended purpose." 

Other commissioners are Gerson Kamatuka, Florence Munyangano, Batseba Katjiuongua, and Imelda Katjau, while the Secretariat delegation consists of Alfred Tjihambuma, Paulus Shikongo, Inga Ndaningina, and Chalo Chainda.

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Natangwe Jimmy