The Equipment Aid Scheme Programme of the Ministry of Industrialisation and Trade (MIT) has received a low number of applications at the regional level for the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME) support initiative.

Minister Lucia Iipumbu urged entrepreneurs to take advantage of the opportunities created by the government to grow their businesses.

Speaking at the opening of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Week at Okakarara Vocational Training Centre, Iipumbu emphasized that MSMEs are the backbone of the economy and require skills to flourish.

She highlighted that her ministry has developed various interventions to empower businesses and drive development. "For our equipment aid scheme, we received only 670 applicants out of the country's population of three million. We don't know if the information is not reaching everyone or if there simply isn't enough interest. Out of those 670 applications, only 27 were received from the Otjozondjupa region, which is just about 200 km from Windhoek. And 40% of the applications came from |Khomas."

She revealed that the equipment will be distributed to beneficiaries starting this week.

Although MSMEs serve as a platform for adding value to local products, the number of applications from the region was not satisfactory.

She revealed that out of the 27 applicants from Otjozondjupa, five did not attach the required documents. This means that only 22 applications were considered. And out of those 22, some did not meet the requirements. However, since the government has received funds, they aim to assist at least 15 beneficiaries from each region. They will reach out to the other seven to ensure they submit any outstanding documents.

Iipumbu strongly urged trainees in their final year of academic training to use the week as an opportunity for collaboration and innovation to unlock their full potential.

The second Okakarara Vocational Training Centre's Innovation and Entrepreneurship Week will end on Friday.



Samuel Kandjii