A gesture of goodwill in the form of bedding and cooking utensils has brought joy to learners boarding at J.A. Kahuika and Kutenhoas community hostels in the ||Kharas Region. 

Debmarine Namibia donated bedding, including mattresses, duvet covers and inners, flat sheets, pillow covers, pillows, and blankets, as well as towels, curtains, food items, and cooking utensils valued at N$160,000. 

The donation follows the Debmarine Social Investment Committee's extensive visit to the region to identify various needs among the rural communities. 

Witnessing the handover, ||Kharas Governor Aletha Frederick noted the hostels operate on a tight budget in the form of government subsidy and mostly rely on community support. 

"The hostel operations solely rest on the community, and if you look around at Gainachas in terms of economic activity, there is nothing. It is mostly predominantly small-scale farmers, and the drought that we are experiencing in this country has also affected them, which means that there is no livestock in the kraals from where these families were feeding their learners, sending them to school, and having something on the table for them to eat. So, out of the bottom of our hearts, the school, the parents, and at large the community of Gainachas, we say thank you very much."

Stella Ipinge, a representative of Debmarine Namibia, said, "We visited this area before, a while back, when we came to see what the needs were in the various communities, and our visit was basically through the office of the honourable governor of the ||Kharas. From there, our hearts were touched, and we were moved to come and make a difference because we believe the diamonds belong to everyone and should benefit all corners of Namibia." 

Speaking on behalf of the learners, Sharoleen Kahuika from the J.J. Kahuika Primary School expressed their appreciation for the helping hand.

The Warmbad community also benefitted from a second-hand vehicle donation, courtesy of Debmarine Namibia.



Luqman Cloete