

President Nangolo Mbumba has appealed to the United Nations General Assembly to support the modalities to actualize the advisory opinion rendered by the International Court of Justice regarding the ongoing conflict in Gaza. 

The International Court of Justice, in its advisory opinion, stated that Israel's continued occupation of the Gaza Strip and West Bank is a violation of international law.

The advisory opinion further outlined that Israel end the war, but in spite of this, attacks continue, leaving thousands destitute.

"Prolonged occupation does not justify or make acceptable the hardships and injustices endured. This is particularly true for the people of Gaza, who continue to be brutally massacred. As a country that has endured genocide, Namibia believes that Israel, by intent and by action, is committing genocide. Namibia continues to call for a ceasefire and for humanitarian assistance to flow unhindered into Gaza."

President Mbumba additionally repeated Namibia's call for the lifting of decades' old US blockades against Cuba and Zimbabwe. 

"Economic hardships continue to affect the sister Republic of Cuba, in stark contrast to the ideals of inclusivity and the goal of leaving no one behind. Namibia calls for the end of the economic, financial, and commercial blockade against Cuba. Namibia also reiterates its call for the immediate and unconditional lifting of illegal sanctions against Zimbabwe, which hinders the country's capacity to achieve Sustainable Development Goals."

The quest for self-determination for the Sahrawi people remains a matter that the Namibian leader says the world body should help intensify.

Dr. Mbumba reminded the Assembly that continued disenfranchisement of the people of Western Sahara is an affront to the UN Charter, its purposes and principles, and that this year's session must change this.

Photo Credits
Namibian Presidency


Blanche Goreses