A businessman and the patron of Okaleke Combined School, Jonathan Engelbrecht, donated N$75,000 towards infrastructure development and financial support to the school. 

Okaleke Combined School is located at Okaleke Village in the Omusati Region and has 370 learners from pre-primary to Grade 9.

The school has been awarded the best junior secondary certificate for three consecutive years in Etayi Constituency.

Otjaandjamwenyo Combined School Patron, Matheus Mumbala, also donated a goat as well as school uniforms. 

Mumbala also pledged sponsorship for the best two Grade 9 learners going to Grade 10 next year for one year.

It is not the first time Engelbrecht has donated to the cause of education, as he has previously donated N$50,000 and built a block of classrooms at the same school in 2016. 

He also donated N$10,000 to Otjaandjamwenyo Combined School in Ruacana Constituency last month.

Photo Credits
MICT Omusati


MICT Omusati