The Quiver Tree Schools Cluster in the ||Kharas Region gathered at Keetmanshoop ahead of the new academic year starting tomorrow to discuss strategies for educational outcomes. 

The Quiver Tree Schools consist of P.K. De Villiers Secondary School, Suiderlig Secondary School, Keetmanshoop Secondary School, St. Theresia School, Adam Steve Combined School, and J.A. Nel Secondary School. 

The gathering was themed 'The influence of a good teacher can never be erased.' 

The theme, said the cluster principal Rebekka Enkali-Aupokolo, serves as a powerful reminder of the lasting impact teachers have on the lives of learners and colleagues. 

"Today we come together not only to grow professionally but also to reflect on the profound responsibility that we carry as teachers, heads of departments, and principals. We are the architects of future generations. Our influences reach far beyond just teaching and learning, classroom walls, shaping minds, and building character, but it goes along to inspiring life-long learning."

Retired teachers Celi and Johan Mostert also addressed cluster members to inspire them to become excellent teachers. 

Cluster members highlighted learner indiscipline, lack of support from the management level, infrastructure issues, and shortage of IT resources as some challenges they face.



Luqman Cloete