The newly elected Councillor for the Guinas Constituency in the Oshikoto Region, Moses Khumub, has expressed condolences on the passing of Founding President Sam Nujoma.
The councillor says he met Nujoma while in primary school in Tsintsabis after independence.
“We will never get enough of Nujoma. Never. Because Namibia is our Founding President Nujoma, we as Namibians, we are him. Whatever you see in Namibia is about him, so even if he was at such an advanced age, his aura surrounds us.”
Khumub’s fondest memories of Nujoma are his landing in Tsintsabis in a helicopter in 1995, as the road leading to the settlement had bad gravel roads.
“As school kids, we were rushing to see our Founding President, whom we had seen on television, and just remember how kids are; we were pushing each other to get a glimpse of him. We saw a genuine person who loved children as he touched our heads. Such a figure, a national hero. The founder of this Republic. The person who engineered our standings towards positivity, towards nation-building, and so on.”
He added that Nujoma’s famous warning finger will be missed, as he used it to drive a positive point when addressing issues.
Khumub of the Swapo Party took office in January after winning the by-elections in which he was contesting against his cousin Fransiskus Khumub of the Landless Peoples Movement.
The position had been left vacant following the death of Elias Martinus in October 2024.