Striking employees of Cheetah Cement have denounced the involvement of the Namibian Economic Freedom Fighters in their strike.
Last week, NEFF's Michael Amushelelo visited the workers at Otjiwarongo, urging them to stage a mass demonstration.
However, the Mine Workers Union's Cheetah Cement Branch's Chairperson, Naftal Nghipitwako, says whatever the NEFF leadership plans to do is entirely on their account.
"We don't support people that want to bring confusion and unruliness to the employees of Cheetah Cement, so we denounce ourselves that we are not in support of whatever demonstration that the NEFF leadership is planning to do. It should not be like an issue organised by the Mine Workers Union, because the union is trying to do its best so that the issue that is in court can be resolved. Because there's already an issue ongoing in court and there is no way the union is going to allow their members to be in conflict with what is in court."
He said discussions regarding the strike are at an advanced stage and the union does not want to jeopardise them.
The strike has entered its third month.