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Okakarara Town Council has been sending estimated water bills, and this is causing inaccurate meter readings.

Over the years the Okakarara Town Council has been buying bulk water from NamWater filled with limescale.

Limescale is a result of hard water filled with minerals including calcium, carbonate, magnesium and manganese.

Although the water is not harmful for human consumption, it causes damage to pipes and causes inaccurate meter readings.

The Okakarara Constituency Councilor Ramana Mutjavikua says limescale is nothing new to their town and he does not anticipate a quick fix to it.

"We took this issue up with the highest offices, I had the Minister of Agriculture, Water & Forestry, Carl Schlettwein and we took him around for him to appreciate what we are going through and we collectively put some proposals on the table because some of the delegations were also high ranking officials from NamWater, it is now time for us in the new year to start implementing some of those resolutions."

Some settlements in the Okakarara Constituency such as Okatjoruu do not have water due to the damage caused by limescale in the pipelines.

"Almost 80 percent of that settlement does not have access to water, although they have taps everywhere the water is simply not coming through because of the high deposit of the lime being the first in the line."

Mutjavikua says the implementation needs to be done with urgency as more and more people are going without water and the town council is constantly getting in trouble with residents due to estimating water bills per month.



Eveline Paulus