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A Namibian and Zambian national appeared in the Katima Mulilo Magistrate's Court on charges of being in possession of elephant tusks.

Richard Njangula Malosi, famously known as "Dime U Fume," aged 59 and his Zambian co-accused, Mashule Mate 34, were found in possession of six pairs of elephant tusks at Kongola.

The duo opted to conduct their own defense and indicated further that they would plead guilty to the charges.

Dime u fume is further facing a charge of contravening the Immigration Control Act, by harboring a person who has no legal documents.

His co-accused is charged with entering Namibia at another place other than a legal port of entry, and failing to present himself to an immigration office.

Malosi was granted bail of N$10 000 that was later cancelled due to the fact that he is a repeat offender and a convict in another elephant tusks case where he was recently released after serving his sentence.

Malosi was advised to formally apply for bail if he so wish.

Both accused persons remain in custody and their case was postponed to 26 April for further investigations.


Photo Credits


Sililo Mubiana