

Now that the Facility Audits have been carried out, the million dollars question is: What is next for the joint Namibia/Botswana Bid Committee?

With the facility audits finalized in both countries, next on the Committee's busy schedule is to compile Bid documents into a bid book which include the plans, and specifications in both countries. This will be a bid book that the committee will submit to CAF for evaluation as part of their quest to win the rights to co-host the AFCON 2027.

The former NFA president John Muinjo is the Vice-Chairman of the BONA 2027 bid Committee. He said it is a very crucial and important book because all the participating countries are going to provide one. 

"For us for a mere fact that we don’t have (FIFA/CAF approved) stadium it will depict in the book whether we are going to build or renovate the existing facilities and then everything pertaining football will be in this bid book. After the bid book it will be a matter of training the bid ambassadors because this a re the people that have to create awareness about the BONA" he further stated.

Muinjo also touched on how the two countries' latest law and policies on the movement of people will benefit this exercise.

If Namibia and Botswana win the rights to host the 2027 AFCON, it is expected that the tournament will leave a lasting legacy in the host countries' economies as well as infrastructures.


