


Successful Namibian businessman Lazarus Jacobs says it’s about time that sports administrators are trained to run sports offices as entrepreneurs. He made the remarks last week on an NBC Special Programme about sport funding. The owner of Paragon Investment Holdings, a leading private equity and business management company, Lazarus Jacobs, says that there are many ways to help sustain the different sport codes without the continuous financial assistance of government. Jacobs says that most of the stadiums in the country are white elephants during the week and that sport administrators can start leasing them for other purposes to outside parties. “They can sign a big three contract for example with NAMPOWER to help maintain the stadium for big amount of money or even open a sports bar where people will came and enjoy their sports.” Jacobs added that 54 parastatals in the country can be tied to the 52 sport codes by the instructions of government, if sport officers can make official proposals in this regard. “Government can tell Mr Parastatal you getting a bail out from me anyway I will give these money but you have to take Sport code under your wing, the companies will run and grip Sport of their choice.” He further said even the private sector can be given tax-relief, if they invest money into sport.


Chester Uamunika