

Tjongarero comments on International funding

The Deputy Minister of Sport, Youth and National Service has requested sport associations and federations in the country to engage with the international mother bodies they are affiliated to and tap into their development funds. Agnes Tjongarero believes that it’s a known fact that there is a lack of funds in the country to develop sports. She is thus urging Namibian federations to make use of the funds made available by international mother bodies. Tjongarero made these remarks during an information sharing meeting with the members of the various federations recently. She said federations are paying annual affiliation fees and follow the rules and regulations of the international bodies, but rarely make use of their funds. “They do give even if it’s how little they do give money to their national federations, whoever is affiliated to an international body you get something. It is expected from you to stay in contact with your international federations and ask them and put request to them. One think they can do for you is to assist with development that is theirs” said Tjongarero She emphasized the importance of the triple c's, which she identified as collaboration, coordination and communication. “How often do we engage them as and say help us we are stuck, we don’t have coaches we don’t have technical m we don’t have this and that help us and they will help us” she added Those who attended the meeting expressed appreciation for the exchange with Tjongarero. Elizma Theron – Rugby “I think together we can do a lot we are working in isolation at this stage if we can combine our forces we can really be a force to be reckon with on the international scene” Rober Riethmueller / Tennis “We are welcoming the opportunity that this type of meetings between sports codes, representatives, sports administrators and media” Nigel Muwanigwa – Basketball “We just certainly hope that this is not one of those meetings where people said a lot of things in a room and it does not go out to the people” Karola Woortman – Archery “It’s information that’s normally not spread between the federations or from the federations. I think it was a success” Manuel Carballo – NNOC Coaches Committee “I think if can host more of this type of meetings it will be a positive outlook to sport and working in collaboration with everybody” Erwin Handura- – NNOC Coaches Committee “If you don’t have a plan how do you get medals? You want to get the medals, so it was important that we have to plan. We have targets and deadlines”


Katrina //Gowases