Kongola resident losses 17 heads of cattle after a lightning struck


A resident of Kongola in the Zambezi Region Lucas Kulandata has lost 17 heads of cattle after they were struck by lightning.

Kulandata said when the clouds were forming, he sensed danger.

After it finished raining, and Kulandata said he called the cattle herder to fill him in on what might have transpired in the forest.

The news was however disappointing because 17 of his 95 cattle were struck by lightning.

The 21-year-old cattle herder was also hit and was rushed to the clinic for pain in one of his legs.

Kulandata said he suffered a huge loss.

Katutura Central family left destitute after house struck by lightning


A house in the Katutura Central Constituency caught fire after it was struck by lightning last night.

Rain in Windhoek has brought relief to many but to some, it has caused distress.

The lightning struck a house on Philip Turimei Street and burnt down all belongings in the first room leaving the tenant in the house with nothing.