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Namibia positions itself to leverage from bilateral partnerships


A renewed push for the implementation of key bilateral projects is one of the areas that the new Heads of Mission have outlined as priorities.

President Nangolo Mbumba today received letters of credence from four new Heads of Mission accredited to Namibia.

They are from Botswana, Algeria, Portugal, and the Netherlands.
The State House says Namibia too has positioned itself to leverage bilateral partnerships, particularly in the new oil, gas, and green hydrogen industries.

Namibia, Zambia to facilitate mutually beneficial partnerships


Namibia and Zambia have agreed to facilitate mutually beneficial partnerships among private sector players and facilitate trade through improved market access for products.

Trade Ministers from both countries and their delegations met in Lusaka this week to take stock of the progress made in trade and investment areas of cooperation.

Products such as sugar, salt, fish, meat and meat products, wheat, maize, avocados, honey, and tomatoes are just some to be traded with through improved market access.

America's First Lady Dr Jill Biden to visit Namibia


First Lady Monica Geingos announced that U.S First Lady Jill Biden will travel to Namibia on Wednesday.

Dr. Biden’s visit will strengthen the United States’ partnerships on the African continent, and advance shared priorities in the region.

The U.S. First Lady’s engagements will focus on the empowerment of women and youth, efforts to address food insecurity, and promoting shared democratic values.

The visit follows the U.S.-Africa Leaders’ Summit held last year where Dr. Biden hosted a two-day spousal engagement