Govt, NAPWU & NANTU welcome wage agreement for civil servants


The Namibian government, in collaboration with the Namibia National Teachers Union (NANTU) and the Namibia Public Workers Union (NAPWU), has inked a comprehensive collective agreement on salary and conditions of employment. 

This pact promises to bring about economic relief for public workers who have been going through financial hardships.

One of the central pillars of this agreement is the adjustment of maximum qualifying home loan amounts under the Home Owners' Scheme for Staff Members. 

NHE employees to strike


Employees of the National Housing Enterprise (NHE) will embark on a legal strike on Friday following a wage negotiation deadlock.

The Public Service Union of Namibia (PSUN) Deputy Secretary General, Ujama Kaahangoro, guaranteed workers' protection should anything arise as a result of the industrial action.

90% of NHE employees voted in favor of a strike two weeks ago after the entity failed to give them a once-off payment.