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FDI a key contributor to economic development - Andre


Erongo Governor Neville Andre says the Namibian government views foreign direct investment (FDI) as a key contributor to economic development.

Andre says the FDI legislation should ensure an enabling environment for foreign investors and Namibian firms, including international arbitration of disputes, the right to remit profits, and access to foreign exchange.

Over 30 houses electrified with solar energy in Mondesa


Over 30 houses belonging to Shack Dwellers Federation members in Swakopmund's Mondesa suburb have been electrified with solar energy.

The houses were electrified through the Towards an Inclusive Design Renewable Energy Transition (TIDRET) project that is being implemented by the Environmental Investment Fund (EIF).

The Environmental Investment Fund (EIF) and Erongo Red signed a memorandum of understanding for the rollout of the project.

The TIDRET solar electrification project piloted in the Erongo Region is core-funded by the GIZ and the European Union.

Dodgy contractors warned to shape up or face blacklisting


The Minister of Urban and Rural Development, Erastus Uutoni, says contractors who delay national projects must be blacklisted because they fail to honour their obligations with the government.

Despite receiving payment from the government, 319 houses under the mass housing programme at Matutura were not completed because of payment disputes between the main contractor and subcontractors.