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Lack of donors hamper NOYD's operations


The National Organisation of Youth with Disabilities (NOYD) is struggling with its operations after donors withdrew their support.

Last year, the National Organisation of Youth with Disabilities elected disability coordinators for all regions.

They are tasked with taking up disability matters at the regional level.

The organisation is, however, finding it difficult to operate optimally because of limited funds after the donors pulled out.

National debate championship kicks off at Otjiwarongo


Critical thinkers from different schools across the country are taking part in the Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA) Fund National Debate Championship at Otjiwarongo.

The Namibia Schools Debating Association (NSDA) started last year with a debate championship, though only two regions participated.

This year, through sponsorship by the MVA Fund, the debate championship is back, with all 14 regions taking part.

Learners will debate road safety, which is an issue of interest to all Namibians.

CENORED to embark on TID rollover project


The Central Northern Regional Electricity Distributor (CENORED) is set to embark on a token identifier (TID) rollover project to prevent people from tempering with electricity meters.

CENORED is putting all systems in place to get the process started and ensure that the rollover to the new software is done smoothly.

The old software within this prepaid meter has a base date of January 1, 1993, and will now roll over to the new best base, which is January 1, 2014.

Farmers' trade unions' books should be audited - Uerikua


Otjozondjupa Governor James Uerikua wants the farmers' trade unions' books audited for accountability.

Uerikua was speaking at the Namibia National Farmers Union (NNFU) Special Congress at Otjiwarongo.

The governor says the farmers' union books must be audited and open to the public for scrutiny.

This, he explained, will help to keep the running affairs of farmers activities concerning financial matters in check.

Institutions urged to promote career guidance


The Minister of Education, Arts and Culture, Anna Nghipondoka, has stressed that career guidance programmes should provide learners with information based on the needs of the country.

Nghipondoka was speaking at the Ritja Career Fair at Otjiwarongo.

Career paths or fairs are becoming popular across the country to help learners make informed decisions about their future studies and career paths.

The Education, Arts and Culture Minister, Anna Nghipondoka, says most learners end up in careers that are already concentrated.