NamWater discontinues water for irrigation in Hardap


NamWater is set to discontinue releasing water for irrigation in the Hardap Irrigation Scheme if limited water inflow into the Hardap Dam persists.

In the wake of poor rainfall in its catchment area, the dam's water level stood at 12.8% on Tuesday.

Hardap Dam's low levels worry farmers


Farmers at the Hardap Irrigation Scheme are worried about the critically low levels of the Hardap Dam due to poor rainfall in the area.

They say if the dry conditions continue, it may have an adverse impact on the irrigation scheme that relies on water for production.

Amb. Weiping pays courtesy call on Hardap Governor


The Chinese Ambassador to Namibia, Zhao Weiping, and Hardap Governor Salomon April discussed possible cooperation in agriculture, social housing, and education to improve the lives of the inhabitants.

They deliberated on these when Weiping paid a courtesy call on the governor.