Israel blames Hamas for war on Gaza


Israel has shifted the entire blame for its alleged genocidal acts in Gaza on Hamas during its submissions to the International Criminal Court in The Hague today.

Namibia expresses support for South Africa's genocide case against Israel


South Africa's case to end Israel's allegation of genocide against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip has started at the International Criminal Court in the Hague.

The case that was launched by South Africa in December calls for an end to alleged genocidal acts by Israel and the people of Gaza.

Namibian economy expands due to mining sectors' growth


Namibia's economy has expanded in the third quarter to 7.2%, compared to 5.4% in the corresponding period last year.

The growth is attributed to the mining and quarrying sector, which posted a phenomenal 51.7% growth in real added value.

Namibia lagging behind in sanitation provision


The Minister of Agriculture, Water, and Land Reform says only about half the population has access to proper toilet facilities.

Speaking during the President's media briefing earlier in the week, minister Carl Schlettwein said sanitation is a prerequisite for development.

Witboois are without a Kaptein


It is back to the drawing board for the Witbooi Royal House, following a failed appeal to the Supreme Court by the sitting Kaptein Hendrik Ismael Witbooi.

The Supreme Court Justice Rita Makarau dismissed the appeal by the sitting Kaptein and concurred with the judgement of the High Court in the main. 

Namibians discuss disability inclusion


Inclusive education should not be seen as a specially constructed school to accommodate children with disabilities, but should be friendly in all aspects to all school-going children.

Justice Minister tables draft law on housing repossession


Justice Minister Yvonne Dausab tabled the High Court Amendment Bill and the Magistrate's Court Amendment Bill in the National Assembly, which will give equal rights to litigants in house or immovable property repossession cases.

Massive criminal syndicate appears in Windhoek Magistrate's Court


The 14 people arrested in a swoop operation on October 4 on charges of transnational internet fraud and trafficking in persons appeared in the Windhoek Magistrate's Court this afternoon.

The case was postponed to February 15, 2024 for further investigations, and bail was refused to all.