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Lusaka City Council approve renaming two roads after Namibian leaders


All 38 councillors of Lusaka City Council in Zambia have unanimously voted in favour of gazetting two roads and renaming them after Namibian Presidents.

Lusaka City Council Public Relations Manager Chola Mwamba told nbc News correspondent Wamundila Chilinda that this marks the conclusion of the legal process for naming the two roads.

The two roads are among the key avenues exiting Lusaka City for southern-bound traffic.

They also connect to two other districts, namely Chilanga and Kafue.

Zambia mourns Geingob


The Zambian Government has declared two days of national mourning and a further three days of flags flying at half mast in honour of the late Namibian President, Dr. Hage Geingob.

In an urgent state communique dated February 20, 2024, Secretary to the Cabinet Patrick Kangwa announced, on behalf of the Head of State, that from Wednesday, the 21st, all flags must fly at half mast, with Saturday, the 24th, and Sunday, the 25th, strictly reserved as public holidays to mourn the Namibian President.

Namibian High Commission in Zambia honour President Geingob


The Namibian High Commission in Zambia has continued to play host to all manner of activities in honour of the late President Hage Geingob.

This has put the nbc local media crew on its toes, chasing after these solemn efforts worth sharing.

It's been almost 34 years since he last resided here in Lusaka, Zambia, but the fruits of his stay and labour are nearly everywhere.

His contemporaries keep emerging. They all want their grief and loss heard loudly.

Zambia mourns President Dr. Geingob


In Zambia, where the late President Hage Geingob played his part in Namibia's liberation struggle for nearly two decades, events in his honour have been unfolding over the past week.

A host of his contemporaries continue to eulogise this accomplished pan-Africanist.

Our Special Correspondent in Lusaka, Wamundila Chilinda, brings us this report.

A dark cloud that has covered the land of the brave has extended to the land of work and joy—Zambia.