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The Zambian Government has declared two days of national mourning and a further three days of flags flying at half mast in honour of the late Namibian President, Dr. Hage Geingob.

In an urgent state communique dated February 20, 2024, Secretary to the Cabinet Patrick Kangwa announced, on behalf of the Head of State, that from Wednesday, the 21st, all flags must fly at half mast, with Saturday, the 24th, and Sunday, the 25th, strictly reserved as public holidays to mourn the Namibian President.

This means all programmes of entertainment nature that were scheduled on Saturday and Sunday make way for solemn music in honour of the fallen president.

Geingob worked as Director of the United Nations Institute of Namibia (UNIN) in Harare, where a good number of Namibians, including some cabinet ministers, were trained to run the affairs of the country at independence in 1990.

The building where UNIN was at the time now houses the Ministry of Community Development.

Photo Credits
Namiabian Presidency


Wamundila Chilinda