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Environmental awards to honour legacy of late President Geingob


The Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism has launched the 4th Sustainable Development Awards to honour the legacy of the late President Hage Geingob.

The awards are slated for June 19 this year. 

The Minister of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism, Pohamba Shifeta, said during the launch of the awards that President Geingob's legacy on the environment is imprinted in the Namibian constitution, and his advocacy on environmental matters extends to the global arena.

||Kharas Region unites in tribute to late President Hage Geingob


People from all walks of life in ||Kharas Region united on Wednesday in remembrance of the late President Hage Geingob. 

They shared their most cherished memories of the late President Geingob at a memorial service held at Keetmanshoop. 

Delivering tribute to the late Dr. Geingob, speaker after speaker remembered the departed statesman as a national unifier and visionary leader. 

Governor Aletha Frederick recounted her encounters with Dr. Geingob during her debut in political office. 

Private sector memorial service honours late President Geingob's impact on Namibia


The memorial service at Casa Rosalia on Monday was organised by the private sector and included tributes from several prominent figures reflecting on the late President Geingob's impact on Namibia.

The tributes emphasised President Geingob's understanding of the necessity of making tough decisions to build an inclusive and prosperous Namibia, as well as his focus on promoting tourism and creating a welcoming environment.

Furthermore, his initiatives to stimulate economic growth, ensure fair treatment for all, and influence various sectors were recognised.

Western Saharawi envoy pays courtesy call on President Geingob


The peace and stability Namibia continues to enjoy is a source of inspiration for Western Sahara, which continues to pursue self-determination.

A special envoy of the President of Sahrawi, Brahim Ghali, said this during a courtesy visit to President Hage Geingob, which was aimed at briefing him on the latest developments in their country.

The Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, also known as Western Sahara, has been seeking self-determination since 1975 following a long-running territorial dispute with Morocco.

President Geingob returns from Global Gateway Forum


President Hage Geingob has arrived back home after participating at the Global Gateway Forum and the first-ever European Union-Namibia Business Forum in Belgium.

President Geingob and his delegation concluded their participation in the Global Gateway Forum and the first-ever European Union-Namibia Business Forum. The Namibian leader was among the more than 40 high-level representatives, financial institutions, and businesses that discussed investment needs, encouraged debates, and made new deals beneficial to all parties.

President Hage Geingob addresses health concerns following hospitalisation


President Hage Geingob's commitment to transparency regarding his health and ability to serve as the country's highest officeholder seems to be placing pressure on other leaders.

Upon his return to his residence, Dr. Geingob acknowledged this fact while being greeted by an enthusiastic gathering of family, Cabinet colleagues, Members of Parliament, and other well-wishers.

Maintaining confidentiality is of the utmost importance for any patient undergoing a medical procedure.

State House dismisses claims made by local daily newspaper


State House has dismissed claims made by a local daily newspaper, which alleged that President Hage Geingob had warned locals against interfering in the Hyphen Hydrogen Energy green hydrogen project.

In a statement, the presidency says Dr. Geingob was urging Namibians not to miss out on the transformative opportunity of green hydrogen.

Finland returns extracted stone fragments of the Ondonga people


Finland has returned the extracted stone fragments of the Ondonga people to the Namibian government.

The handover was done at State House, witnessed by President Hage Geingob and his counterpart, Sauli Niinisto of Finland.

The stone fragments were taken by a Finnish missionary, Martii Rautanen, more than 130 years ago from the Ondonga kingdom.

Rautanen was believed to be on a research mission when he came across the stone and took parts of it for experiments.

UAE to support Namibia in opening a diplomatic mission in the Gulf state


The United Arab Emirates says it is willing to support Namibia in opening a diplomatic mission in the Gulf state.

Mahash Saeed Alhameli, the UAE Ambassador to Namibia, based in South Africa, paid a courtesy call on President Hage Geingob on the margins of the state visit in Pretoria.

Namibia revealed its plans to open a mission in the UAE about four years ago but has been facing budgetary constraints.

Ambassador Alhameli told President Geingob that the UAE understands Namibia’s financial priorities and is willing to support the country.

President Geingob reiterates state's commitment to press freedom


President Hage Geingob has reiterated his commitment that no journalists would be persecuted or threatened but urged the scribes to be truthful in their reports as per the media code of ethics.

This commitment, Dr. Geingob says, remains despite damaging headlines and quotes often taken out of context without offering any right of reply.

Namibia is ranked No. 2 in terms of press freedom in Africa by the Press Freedom Index, just behind