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Election Media Monitoring Project launched


The  Editors' Forum of Namibia's Media Ombudsman has launched the 2024 Presidential and National Assembly Elections Media Monitoring Project in Windhoek.

The media monitoring tool will be used to gauge the coverage of media houses and outlets before, during, and after the November 27 elections.

All media reports, interviews, and discussion programmes will be subjected to a tracking mechanism, and monthly reports on coverage will be provided to political parties during the pre- and post-election process as well as the polling itself.

Health Ministry to call out contractors


The Ministry of Health and Social Services says it will debar contractors who fail to deliver projects and will implement penalties for late delivery.

Its Executive Director, Ben Nangombe, said this when he presented a report on the ministry's activities at health facilities in Windhoek.

"Contractors who fail us in the implementation of the projects are going to recommend to the policy unit that they are barred from participating in the awarding of new projects. We are also going to enforce the levying of penalties."


Urban agriculture growing in Swakopmund


Urban agriculture is growing in Swakopmund as the municipality and some learning institutions continue to empower residents through the allocation of more land.

Urban agriculture is a particular focus area in the Swakopmund Municipality's strategic plan.

The Municipality and stakeholders, including the Government of Japan, initiated the Build Back Better Urban Agriculture Project at Swakopmund.

Since 2020, the project has recorded bumper harvests and expanded access to housing for residents who are from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Windhoek-Okahandja Road to be completed in 2024


The Windhoek-Okahandja Road Project is expected to be completed by May next year.

The construction of the road, which started in 2016, will allow easy access to and from Swakopmund, Walvis Bay, and the Ovitoto roads.

Through this project, a bridge called Omakunde was also rehabilitated and upgraded this year.

The bridge will give access to the Osona Military Base and the Osona Village and mitigate congestion there.

The Chief Executive Officer of the Roads Authority (RA), Conrad Lutombi, says he is happy with the progress of the about N$2 billion project.

Geingob appeals that Green Hydrogen project be given a chance to take off


President Hage Geingob has appealed that the Green Hydrogen project be given a chance to take off and change the socio-economic conditions of the two southern regions and the country at large.

The political leadership of the Hardap and ||Kharas Regions also witnessed the signing of the Feasibility and Implementation Agreement.

Meanwhile, Finance Minister Ipumbu Shiimi clarified that the funding of the Green Hydrogen project is private sector-driven and not from the government coffers.

Ministry of Veterans Affairs called to speed up payments of projects


A veteran of the liberation struggle, Mathew Shivute, from Amaupa Village in the Omusati Region, has appealed to the Ministry of Veterans Affairs to speed up the payment of their projects.

Shivute argued that some of the veterans are ageing and want to benefit from the project during their lifetime.

Well known as Mzee, Shivute retired about seven years ago as an operations manager for state security.

Shivute spent 12 years in exile, and upon Namibia's independence, he secured a job at State House.

Namibia fails to meet targets outlined in the African Agriculture Development Project


Namibia has failed to meet several targets outlined in the Comprehensive African Agriculture Development Project.

The country scored a low rating of 4 out of 10, falling below the benchmark of 7.29 set in the Malabo Declaration, which was supposed to be achieved by 2025.

Namibia acceded to the Maputo Declaration on Agriculture and Food Security in Africa and committed to allocate at least 10 percent of its national budget to the agricultural sector to achieve six percent annual growth and attain food security.

Breast and Prostate Cancer Research Project launched


Namibia has launched the Breast and Prostate Cancer Research Project in collaboration with the African Caribbean Cancer Consortium.

The project aims at promoting health and early detection as well as identifying factors that contribute to breast and prostate cancer.

The project will be carried out by different countries in the private and public sectors to encourage a healthy society.

The research will explore effective means to prevent, capture data, diagnose, and treat breast and prostate cancer.

Deputy Prime Minister visits earth dams project in Oshana Region


The Deputy Prime Minister, Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah, visited an envisaged government project to construct earth dams in the Oshana Region.

The Deputy Prime Minister's visit was prompted by the government's decision to invest in economic sectors that can drive economic benefit and job creation among the Namibian population.

She indicated that the government pays special attention to the agricultural sector, both in terms of livestock and crop production, hence the decision to construct earth dams in flood-prone areas such as the Cuvelai-Etosha Basin flood plains.