The Town Council of Khorixas plans to improve the living conditions of its residents in the informal area this year. 

The council has conducted feasibility studies for sewerage reticulations and the availability of electricity and water for the community members.

Guided by the strategic plan, the Khorixas Town Council already carried out feasibility studies for this year's projects.

Among this year's projects is sewer reticulation in the informal settlement, previously known as Donkerhoek.

"It is going to give decency to the people that are living in that area because they have been living without sewer reticulation in that place for such a long time, and this is going to alleviate the challenges that people are facing in that area, which is also going to be a government-funded project," explained town CEO Andreas |Howoseb.

The town council also plans to expand the water reticulation in the Hata||auku informal area.

Other activities that are going to make an impact in Khorixas include street naming, interlocking some roads with funds from the Road Fund Administration, and continuing with the provision of land and housing.

The council also plans to improve the sanitation aspect of the town.

Khorixas Town Council will also drill boreholes to ensure a constant water supply, of which the feasibility study has already been conducted.



Eveline Paulus