RCA INTERVIEW | DBN's Innovation Award returns


The Development Bank of Namibia (DBN) has announced the return of its prestigious Innovation Award after a five-year absence, reaffirming its commitment to fostering innovation and economic development.

To talk to us more on this, Zaaphia Basson spoke to DBN's brand marketing specialist, Auguste Fabian.

TransNamib secures loan to purchase new trains


TransNamib has secured a N$2,6 billion loan from the Development Bank of Southern Africa and the Development Bank of Namibia, which will be used for its capital projects to unlock corridor capacity and address maintenance issues of its locomotives.

DBN attains net operating profit of N$62 million


The Development Bank of Namibia (DBN) attained a net operating profit of N$62 million in the last financial year. 

This was revealed by the Chief Executive Officer of DBN, Dr. John Steytler, at the launch of the DBN Integrated Annual Report 2023/2024 in Windhoek on Thursday. 

RCA INTERVIEW | World Mental Health Day


October 10 marks World Mental Health Day, a global initiative focused on raising awareness of mental health issues and improving mental health care for all populations.

To delve deeper into this topic, Milcah Negongo spoke with Sara Kapiye, Chief Human Capital Officer at the Development Bank of Namibia.

Namibia Ceramics seeks investment


Namibia Ceramics, a manufacturing construction plant site located in Tsumeb, is the brainchild of Heikky Katti, a local man who came up with the business idea in 2017. 

DBN empowers small businesses in Zambezi Region


Six small business owners in the Zambezi Region became the latest beneficiaries of the Development Bank of Namibia's national metric and coaching programme.

The Development Bank of Namibia's coaching programme aims to empower small businesses.

Fitch keeps Development Bank of Namibia's ratings stable at 'BB minus'


Fitch Ratings in London has decided to keep the Development Bank of Namibia Limited's long-term issuer default ratings at 'BB minus' with a stable outlook. 

This means the bank is considered to have a slightly higher credit risk but is stable overall.

Keetmanshoop Municipality applies for a loan from DBN


The Keetmanshoop Municipality has applied for an N$11.9 million loan from the Development Bank of Namibia (DBN) to upgrade its electricity infrastructure. 

This transpired at the presentation of the municipality's ministerial-approved N$296.8 million operational budget to residents on Tuesday.