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Kunene Region honours late President Hage Geingob 


The people of the Kunene region gathered in solemn remembrance as they paid befitting tributes to the late President Hage Geingob during their regional memorial service held in Opuwo.

The atmosphere was filled with soothing hymns, poetry, and traditional mourning practices.

The Ombimbi cultural group led the procession in Dr. Geingob's honour.

Emotional scenes played out at Opuwo, as replications of cultural rituals of mourning practices by the Ovahimba and Ovaherero communities came to the fore in paying tribute to Dr. Geingob.

Geingob credited for ensuring a functioning government


Residents of Kamanjab settlement in the Kunene Region have credited President Hage Geingob with championing a functioning government and preventing the collapse of the economy during the COVID-19 pandemic.

They shared their sentiments during a Kamanjab Constituency memorial service in Geingob's honour.

Kamanjab Village Council Deputy Chairperson, Abiole Karunga, says Geingob leaves behind a void that can't be filled.

Kunene Region pays tribute to Late President Geingob


The Kunene Region held a memorial service to honour  the late President, Hage Geingob.

Kunene Governor Marius Sheya at the event said, it is so unreal that Hage Geingob is no more.

Appointed by the late President Hage Geingob as governor of Kunene at just 28 years old, Marius Sheya had a distinct relationship with him.

The news of Geingob's passing is still something he says he is struggling to come to terms with. 

Outjo Tourism Center turning into a white elephant


Although Outjo in the Kunene Region is considered one of the gateways to the Etosha National Park, its tourism centre has recorded little to no tourists making use of its services.

The nbc News team caught up with an employee at the centre, Ndapandula Hailonga, who confirmed the centre has recorded its lowest service level compared to last year.

The centre reopened in 2021, with the services of a bistro and the curio shop that have been fully operational since last year, with three employees.

Water supply project to Okanguati gains momentum


The Kunene Regional Council's Ohamaremba-Okanguati water supply project, meant to provide quality water to residents of Okanguati settlement and surrounding areas, is well on track.

The project involves the drilling of six boreholes at Ohamaremba village and the installation of 160-millimetre polyvinyl chloride water pipelines for over 15 kilometres from that village to Okanguati.

The project was implemented in 2016, but due to inadequate budget allocation, it has been moving at a snail's pace.

Local authorities called to prioritise proper sanitation 


Local authorities are being urged to prioritise giving residents access to fundamental services like water and proper sanitation.

The Deputy Minister of Urban and Rural Development, Evelyn Nawase-Taeyele, emphasised this necessity at the commissioning and groundbreaking ceremony in Kamanjab, Kunene Region.

The event marked the beginning of a significant project that will provide bulk sewerage and reticulation systems to 12,000 households, coupled with the development of low-cost housing.

Kunene Region attends to slow delivery of drought relief


The Kunene Region has resorted to hiring private transport for the distribution of drought relief in the region.

This was revealed by the Kunene Regional Governor, Marius Sheya, following concerns raised by Khorixas Constituency Councillor, Sebastian !Gobs, who last month indicated that the distribution programme is hampered by a lack of transportation.

The Kunene Region accounts for close to 30,000 people who have been affected by the prolonged and extreme drought since 2013, which has put a strain on food security and agricultural activities.

Improved living standards awaits Khorixas residents


Housing and land delivery for low-income earners in the Kunene Region, including the upgrading of the informal settlements, is taking shape.

At Khorixas, 445 plots were handed over to the residents of the Ada-||Naugu informal settlement to build their houses.

The allocated plots are for 1,025 applicants on a waiting list.

Of these, 56 are categorised for pensioners and 22 for people living with disabilities, while 104 are for the members of the Shack Dwellers Federation, all sold at N$15,00 per square metre.

Kunene residents plead for development


Residents of Kunene are concerned about their safety due to poor road infrastructure and overflowing rivers during the rainy season.

They shared their dissatisfaction with Vice President Nangolo Mbumba at Opuwo. The residents requested that the government construct bridges at river crossings to enable them to access services during the rainy season.

A case in point is the roads that connect Okangwati and Etanga to Otjinungua via Osana. There is also a need to set up bridges in some areas that are washed away during the rainy season on the road from Opuwo to Sesfontein.

Gov commended for its continued efforts to provide relief food


Traditional authorities in the Kunene Region have commended the government for its continued efforts to provide relief food to drought-afflicted people in the region.

Kunene is one of the regions that has suffered severe drought in recent years, and the majority of the inhabitants depend on the government's Drought Relief Programme. While commending the government for the assistance, they feel the long-term solution is the setting up and improvement of community gardens to empower people to produce their own food.