San community in Chetto honours Founding President


San people living in Chetto in the Kongola Constituency of the Zambezi Region joined the rest of the country to say goodbye to the Founding President, who was buried in Windhoek on Saturday.

Sam Nujoma to be laid to rest at Heroes' Acre


A burial at Heroes' Acre, the country's official national shrine, is reserved for individuals who have been formally recognised as national heroes by the government.

Former PLAN fighters recall Sam Nujoma’s leadership and influence


Those who fought on the frontline of the battlefield, such as former PLAN combatant Ndeulikufa Kalomoh, recollected his fond memories of Sam Nujoma.

Kalomoh, whose combat name is Hakushinda, was 20 years old when he fled from Namibia into Angola to join the liberation struggle in 1974.

Katjavivi reflects on Nujoma’s legacy as a champion for the oppressed


Speaker of the National Assembly and Veteran of the Liberation Struggle, Professor Peter Katjavivi, spoke to Gordon Joseph about Sam Nujoma, the global voice for peace, and what he meant for the oppressed people of the world, including the people of Palestine, Western Sahara, and Black people in the Caribbean.

Nicky Nashandi’s liberation journey and Libya mission


Namibia's former ambassador to Libya, Nicky Nashandi, shared his journey in the liberation struggle as Swapo Party representative appointed by the late Sam Nujoma.

He was also tasked with mobilising resources from the Libyan Defence Force.

Ndilimani Troupe remembers Nujoma’s role in its formation


Members of the Ndilimani Cultural Troupe recalled the impact of the late Founding President Sam Nujoma in the formation of the group during the liberation struggle.

The group served as a tool for mobilisation, soldier morale-boosting, and entertainment during the liberation struggle.