NSA called on to urgently review 2023 census report


National Council lawmaker Paulus Mbangu has called for an urgent review of the 2023 Population and Housing Census Report, released by the Namibia Statistics Agency (NSA) last month, due to what he termed "serious" concerns over its accuracy and clarity.

Rundu vendors lack financial discipline


Some vendors from Rundu Open Market admitted that even though they are entrepreneurs, they still lack financial discipline.

This realisation prompted Prince and Pemba Investments, a local business, to provide the vendors with financial management skills for free.

NC Committee reports back on benchmark visit to Gauteng


The National Council MP, Paulus Mbangu, raised significant queries during a debate on the National Council Standing Committee on Public Accounts and Economy's report on a benchmark visit to the Gauteng Provincial Legislature in South Africa last year.

Intense debate in National Council on Marriage Bill


Lawmakers in the National Council debated the new Marriage Bill, raising concerns about allowing an 18-year-old to marry, citing potential risks to their education and maturity levels.

The bill, aimed at regulating marriages and validating certain unions, ignited intense discussion from several fronts.

Kavango Region's plight not misplaced


The Rundu Rural Constituency councillor says that despite various studies revealing that Kavango East is one of the poorest regions, the central government has not done enough to turn the tide. 

Paulus Mbangu denounces budget allocations to Kavango regions


Rundu Rural Constituency Councillor Paulus Mbangu has denounced the budget allocations to the two Kavango regions this year.

Speaking in the National Council, Mbangu says the two Kavango Regions were identified as 'crisis regions, yet they were provided with few resources.

Goeieman urges government to recognize traditional medicine


The Councillor of Berseba Constituency, Jeremias Goeieman, has called on the government to recognize traditional medicines and regulate their use.

Speaking in the National Council, Goeieman argued that traditional medicines are more affordable and accessible than conventional treatments.