Under-aged girls from Nzinze village abandoned by parents


A flagrant violation of the Child Care and Protection Act of 2015 has been reported from Nzinze village, situated in the Musese constituency of the Kavango West Region, where four minor girls have been abandoned by both their parents. 

NCRST observes International Day of Girls in ICT


The underrepresentation of women and girls in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields continues to persist despite efforts made to promote diversity and inclusion in STEM.

Johannes Coetzee in need of financial assistance


The birth of twin girls in January of this year has brought immense joy to a couple from Keetmanshoop.

However, what they initially believed to be a double bundle of joy has quickly turned into a nightmare.

Female Entrepreneurship Boot-camp underway


The Business Financial Solutions and the Namibia Investment Promotion and Development Board, in partnership with Latvia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and RIGA Business School, are hosting a Female Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for young girls in Windhoek.

Over 300 girls benefit from United Nations Population Fund's dignity packs


More than 300 girls in the Erongo Region benefited from the United Nations Population Fund's dignity packs.

The dignity packs contain basic essential hygiene items such as baby nappies, washing powder, bathing soap, face clothes, underwear, toothbrushes, and toothpaste.