Women's representation in parliament worldwide increases


Women's representation in parliament worldwide has increased slightly from 26.5% to 26.9% this year. 

These statistics were collected after over 60 parliaments in 52 countries held their parliamentary elections in 2023. 

The sub-Saharan Africa region accounts for the third highest, at over 27%. 

According to the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), electoral quotas have been instrumental in improving women's representation, with over 28% of women elected having come from electoral gender quota systems. 

National Assembly MPs speak on mental health


Parliamentarians from all political divides in the National Assembly are speaking with one voice regarding the issue of mental health in the country.

This follows a motion tabled by PDM member in the house, Winnie Moongo, on what she termed the deplorable and inhospitable mental health institutions and facilities in the country.

The motion seeks awareness of the plight and situation of these centres so as to improve their conditions.