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Stakeholders propose introduction of TVET at primary level


Technical and Vocational Education Training stakeholders in Erongo have supported the proposal to recognise non-formal and informal education and have it introduced at the lower primary level.

Namibia has no unified technical and vocational education training structure, and most interventions are not harmonised.

According to the TVET Standards Manager, only formal education is recognised in Namibia, while those with non-formal and informal education fall through the cracks.

Rains over the weekend bring relief from heat wave in some parts of the country


Light to moderate rains recorded over the weekend brought relief from the heat wave in some parts of the country. 

Over the past week, temperatures have hovered between 30 and 40 degrees Celsius in places such as Keetmanshoop, which received some light showers on Friday and Saturday. 

Figures revealed on the Namibia Meteorological Services website show that the highest rainfall of 19.2 millimetres measured today was recorded in Windhoek.

Erongo Governor's VIP ticket withholding sparks controversy amid community concerns


Omaruru, Henties Bay, and Arandis councillors did not attend the Independence Day celebrations at Katima Mulilo in their official capacities after the Erongo Governor withheld their VIP tickets.

Erongo Governor Neville Andre says the councillors must first address community issues in their towns before attending celebrations.

The Independence Day organising committee gave 50 VIP tickets for each region to send their public office bearers to the national celebrations.

However, the Erongo Governor has excluded leaders from Omaruru, Henties Bay, and Arandis.

Coastal residents grateful for free transport


Residents of the Erongo Region have voiced their appreciation for the complimentary transportation services offered to those wishing to attend the funeral of the late President.

Hage Geingob's memorial service and funeral in the capital. 

Young and old were represented by the group of residents who gathered at the regional council to board the bus destined for the capital.

Many are still reeling in shock and have expressed grief. 

They say that as the days until the burial draw near, they are forced to come to terms with reality.

GBV a national concern


Erongo Governor Neville Andre says despite commendable achievements in human rights and gender equality, Namibia still faces persistent challenges in terms of gender-based violence.

At least 32% of Namibian women are said to have experienced physical violence at the hands of an intimate partner at some point.

To remedy the situation, Andre plans to establish a regional gender-based violence (GBV) task team with different stakeholders on board.

Andre says GBV is the most pervasive yet least visible human rights violation in the world.

TEA metallurgical laboratory opens


Erongo Governor Neville Andre has inaugurated the first ever multi-million-dollar TEA metallurgical laboratory in the country. 

The lab, owned by two young Africans, Wensia Ruiters from Namibia and Kevin Mwashuma from Kenya, is located in Swakopmund. Ruiters and Mwashuma acquired the Trace Elements Analysis Laboratories (TEA Labs) in 2019 and have since expanded their operations.

Public participation sought in Disabilities Bill


The National Disability Council of Namibia's Chief Executive Officer has called on the public to participate in the ongoing discussions around the Persons with Disabilities Bill.

The National Disability Council of Namibia is consulting with people with disabilities from the Erongo, Otjozondjupa, and Kunene regions.

Participants, who gathered at Swakopmund, are giving their contribution to the development of a disability bill as well as to the National Policy on Disability.

MEFT urges workers to maintain newly renovated facilities in the Kunene and Erongo regions


The Minister of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism urged workers at the national parks to maintain the newly renovated facilities in the Kunene and Erongo regions.

Pohamba Shifeta said this during the handover of equipment and inauguration of the four national park facilities at the Cape Cross Seal Reserve, Springbokwasser, Ugab Mund, and Möwe Bay.

The renovations were done at a cost of over N$130 million.

Government drought relief program extended to May 2024


The ongoing government drought relief program in the Kunene, Erongo, and Omusati regions was extended on Tuesday to May 2024 by a Cabinet decision.

In a media statement issued on Thursday, the government stated that the drought relief program underway in the Kunene and parts of Erongo and Omusati regions will continue as per the Cabinet decision, which was taken at the fifth Cabinet decision-making meeting that took place in the capital on Tuesday.

The Cabinet also approved N$21 million for this program.

IPC Erongo branch calls mining industry to plough back into communities


The branch of the Independent Patriots for Change in Erongo has called on the mining industry to plough back into the communities in which they operate.

Its Chairperson, Aloysius Kangulu, says his party wants the industry to add value to resources instead of exporting them in raw form.

The IPC leadership in the Erongo Region addressed a media conference at Walvis Bay.

Echoing fellow political parties who recently called on the mining industry to ensure benefits are shared with community members, the IPC urged the government to intervene.