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Palmwag settlement police station opens


A police station worth N$7 million has been inaugurated at Palmwag Settlement in the Kunene Region's Sesfontein Constituency. 

Police Inspector General Joseph Shikongo says safety and security services are critical for all Namibians to access, to ensure that, and also for officers to be provided with proper structures to work from.

Police officers in the area have been serving the public at the checkpoint since 1998.

The checkpoint was previously used as a veterinary control point and a tourism concession area without accommodation or office facilities.

Minister Veikko Nekundi assesses road conditions in Okongo constituency


Works and Transport Deputy Minister Veikko Nekundi visited the Okongo constituency in the Ohangwena Region to assess earth-track roads in that area.

These hard-to-navigate sandy roads are hampering development and making it difficult for communities to access schools and health centres promptly.

Deputy Minister Nekundi was informed by the Councillor of Okongo Constituency, Lebbeus Shipindo, that since independence, his constituency has never been provided with a single feeder road.

Eduaction key to preparing learners for green hydrogen opportunities


Education is the key to accessing opportunities for development presented by both the Namibian government and through the country's natural resources.

This was said by Swapo Party member Verna Sinimbo at Sifuha Village in the Zambezi Region.

Addressing community members at Sinufa village as the political leader assigned to the Kabbe North district in the Zambezi Region, Sinimbo underlined the importance of education in preparing children to take advantage of opportunities in the fields, especially green hydrogen, and the oil and gas industry in Namibia.

Muyako residents saddened by delay in development


Muyako residents in the Katima Mulilo Rural Constituency are saddened by the delay in the construction of the Bukalo-Muyako-Ibbu and Ngoma roads.

The residents say development promises made to them were never honoured.

The community members raised their concerns during a meeting on Thursday.

They reiterated that the constituency is the second most populated after Katima Mulilo Urban, but the least developed compared to other constituencies in the region.

Development at Okakarara picks up


The Okakarara Town Council says it is making efforts to improve road infrastructure, sewerage, and water reticulation, as well as satisfy the demand for housing in the town.

Okakarara is situated a few kilometres east of the Waterberg Mountain in the Otjozondjupa Region and is home to just over 7,000 inhabitants. 

The Chief Executive Officer of the town, Ehrnst Katjiku, told nbc News that the council is operating on a shoestring budget. 

The council received N$1.3 million for road infrastructure maintenance for this financial year.

Graduates urged to embrace continuous development


Academic graduations are not an end in themselves, hence the need to continue with self-development to keep up with the demands of the job market.

This message was given to 360 students who graduated from the University of Namibia's (UNAM) Katima Mulilo campus on Thursday.

This year, the university invited the Chief Executive Officer of MEATCO, Mwilima Mushokobanji, as the motivational speaker.

Dordabis owners to give more land to government for development


Dordabis village is partly owned by the government, with the rest owned privately. 

The population of the village, which is around 3,000 people, is cramped on this land. 

Some of the public services, such as the graveyard, are falling into private land owned by the Kraft family. Some of these services come at a hefty price for some impoverished and unemployed families.

The graveyard at the village has been an issue of contention, particularly its status as being privately owned.  

Karibib economic growth and development


The Chairperson of the Karibib Town Council, Lazarus Kanelombe, shared the town's journey of economic growth and development before and after independence.

Karibib is located on the main road between the capital city of Windhoek and the coastal town of Swakopmund, about 100km west of Okahandja. 

Karibib exists today mostly due to the railway development between the coast and inland Namibia. The Karibib railway building is a national monument. 

Construction of Nkurenkuru Hospital halted for a decade


Residents of Kavango West Region say they waited for far too long for the completion of the Nkurenkuru Intermediate Hospital, whose construction has been on hold for almost 10 years now. 

Since its groundbreaking ceremony in November 2014, no construction has been done, apart from a fence that was erected.

It is a project that was about to bring relief to the people of Kavango West, but their hopes are dashed.

SPWC calls for recording of women's stories and achievements


The Secretary for the Swapo Party Women's Council (SPWC), Fransina Kahungu, says there is a need for Namibian women to narrate their own stories and the role they have played in the development of the nation.

It is against this background that the Council called for a one-day workshop on the recording and collection of information about women in development, a strategic review of the wing's annual activities, and the planning of regional activities.