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Report on management of Bwabwata Communal Land submitted


The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Constitutional and Legal Affairs has submitted its comprehensive report on the management of Bwabwata Communal Land.

Drawing from a petition presented by the Hambukushu Traditional Authority, the report unveils a multitude of findings and recommendations.

The report, presented by Kletus Karondo, sheds light on a range of issues, including the historical context surrounding Bwabwata National Park, community grievances, and governmental responses. 

APRM lauds Namibia's Parliament's gender representation


Unequal access to productive resources, harmful socio-cultural practices, gender-based violence, and low participation of women in decision-making, especially on the economic front, are some of the challenging factors contributing to gender inequality.

These were identified in the country review report by the African Peer Review Mechanism, released on Thursday.

The report acknowledges Namibia's efforts to strengthen its focus on generating sex-disaggregated statistics.

This is to address the existing lack of data on gender equality and rights. 

Census transport service providers must report to their constituencies


Transport service providers in the 2023 Population and Housing Census are urged to report to their constituency offices, where their vehicles are allocated, from September 16 to 17.

Although the deadline is today, the NSA says those who have not reported yet will not be turned away.

The service providers are urged to take along their identification cards, a copy of the vehicle owner certificate, and a letter of concern if the owner is not the one taking the vehicle.

They are also required to provide a bank confirmation letter by Tuesday, the 19th.

Rössing Uranium Mine launches 2022 Sustainability and Performance Report


Despite global economic challenges and high inflation rates, the Rossing Uranium Mine has reportedly achieved positive cash flow in 2022, declaring a net profit after tax of N$840 million.

This information was disclosed during the launch of Rossing Uranium's 2022 Sustainability and Performance Report in Windhoek on Monday.

The mine also declared an in-term dividend of N$49.7 million to shareholders.

Managers to report number of correctional officers with visible tattoos


The Namibia Correctional Service (NCS) has given managers until May 23rd to report the number of correctional officers with visible tattoos.

In an internal memo, NCS threatened that future potential candidates with visible tattoos would not be considered for employment.

In an interview with nbc Radio Current Affairs, Assistant Commissioner Salmi Hangula stated that the ministry is working to change the recruitment policy and the code of conduct to incorporate the tattoo clause.

BoN and NAMFISA's FSR indicates Namibian financial system remained sound and resilient


The Bank of Namibia (BoN) and Namibia Financial Institutions Supervisory Authority (NAMFISA)'s Financial Stability Report (FSR) for 2023 indicates that the Namibian financial system remained sound and resilient in 2022.

Projected vulnerabilities in the global financial system could, however, potentially impact the domestic financial system.

Domestic economic growth improved from 3.5% in 2021 to 4.6% in 2022.

This is attributed to the primary and secondary industries, which recorded growth rates of 12.9% and 3.3%, respectively.

Task force set up to implement the recommendations made in 2021 APRM report 


A task force has been established to implement the recommendations made in a report on youth unemployment in the country.  

In 2021, the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) published a report on Youth Unemployment in Namibia. 

The report studied the extent, nature and causes of youth unemployment in Namibia and provided recommendations for intervention by various stakeholders. 

A National Taskforce committee was then established to monitor the implementation of the report's recommendations and ensure intergovernmental coordination.