Ministry of Works decentralises Kavango East RC maintenance functions


The Kavango East Regional Council is happy with the decentralisation of the Ministry of Works and Transport's maintenance functions to the regional council.

Its chairperson, Damian Maghambayi, says this will expedite public infrastructure maintenance and increase regional participation.

Kavango East and West regional councils satisfied with livestock marketing


The Kavango East and West regional councils are happy with the prospects of livestock marketing following the opening of the Rundu Abattoir.

The Meat Cooperation of Namibia's bid to manage the government abattoir was successful, and it is currently testing slaughter at the facility.

Kavango East Regional Council not happy with IPPR governance assessment report


The Kavango East Regional Council is not happy with the governance assessment report released by the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR).

Its Chairperson, Damian Maghambayi, says the report was produced without consulting the regional councils on the implementation of projects.