Kunene Region identified as economic growth hub


The Kunene Region is said to be well positioned as a pivotal economic engine to foster prosperity and improve livelihoods for its residents and Namibia at large.

However, more still needs to be done in terms of infrastructure, mining, tourism, and communication sectors to unlock the region's potential.

Namibia and Kenya strengthen bilateral relations


The Namibia-Kenya Diplomatic and Political Consultations concluded today in Windhoek, marking a significant step in deepening cooperation between the two nations.

Government urges UN help for Middle East peace


The government is urging the international community, particularly the United Nations, to help find an impartial diplomatic solution that would lead to lasting peace and stability in the Middle East. 

SIM card registrations extended


The Minister of Information and Communication Technology, Dr. Peya Mushelenga, has announced a three-month extension to the deadline for mobile phone SIM card registrations.

Subscribers have until March 31st, 2024, to get this done.

Cabinet directs monitoring of GIPF performance


The Cabinet has directed the Minister of Finance and Public Enterprise to continue monitoring the performance of the Government Institutions Pension Fund (GIPF) to ensure that the state exposure to the Fund is optimally managed.

7th National ICT Summit launched


Over N$500,000 was pledged during the launch and sponsorship handover ceremony towards the hosting of the 7th National ICT Summit, scheduled to take place from the 9th to the 11th of October.