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National Council goes on recess


The 11th session of the 6th National Council went into recess today and will resume on April 8th this year.

Vice Chairperson of the National Council, Victoria Kauma, commended MPs for demonstrating unity, resilience, and the spirit of collaboration, despite grieving for the late President Hage Geingob. 

The Vehicle Mass Bill and High Court Amendment Bill of 2023 have been passed and referred to in terms of Article 75 to the National Assembly, and Kauma has thus commended MPs for their tireless effort and unwavering commitment to the service of Namibian citizens.

President Geingob built unshaken public service foundation 


National Council members and government executive directors expressed their deepest sympathies and offered their support to the Geingo family during their time of mourning.

This was done during scheduled visits to Casa Rosalia.

Victoria Kauma, Vice Chairperson of the National Council, conveyed a heartfelt message of condolence on behalf of the members of the MPs to Monica Geingos, the children, and the family at their residence.

The government's executive directors also paid their respects and offered condolences to the Geingo family.

NC wants speedy passing of High, Magistrates Court Amendment Bills


Members of Parliament in the National Council are calling for swift endorsement of both the High Court Amendment Bill and the Magistrates Court Amendment Bill.

This appeal is driven by the need to shield the public from the prospect of home forfeitures, a pressing concern exacerbated by provisions within the existing High Court Act 16 of 1990.

Sombre atmosphere prevails at National Council's opening


The Vice Chairperson of the National Council, Victoria Kauma, addressed the assembly during the official opening of the 11th Session of the 6th National Council, acknowledging the sombre atmosphere prevailing due to the recent death of President Hage G. Geingob.

Kauma urged members to observe a moment of silence in honour of the late President, highlighting his significant contributions to Namibia. 

Despite the collective grief, she emphasised the importance of fulfilling the constitutional mandate, citing Articles 74 and 75 as guiding principles.

NUDO calls for mature discussions around issues facing party


The President of the National Unity Democratic Organisation (NUDO) has called for mature discussions around issues facing the party and for unity.

Dr. Utjiua Muinjangue opened the party's national council meeting in Windhoek on Saturday.

The National Council is NUDO's second-highest decision-making body, and its meetings seek to iron out challenges facing the Party ahead of the elective congress.

ECN urged to introduce permanent voter card system


Members of the National Council have called on the Electoral Commission of Namibia to implement a permanent voter card system. 

This proposal, aimed at streamlining the electoral process, seeks to boost efficiency and minimise administrative burdens.

Additionally, the council members expressed concerns regarding the time gap between the announcement of election results and the official assumption of office. 

These issues were raised during discussions on Section 25 of the Electoral Amendment Bill.

NC session ends abruptly due to heated exchanges


The National Council (NC) session today ended abruptly because of heated exchanges between some parliamentarians.

The session spiralled into chaos as Members of Parliament (MP) raised concerns over a report tabled by the Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure, and Housing on its oversight mission to the regions.

NC MP and Independent candidate Paulus Mbangu demanded that the report be withdrawn as it was not in conformity with the set standards of parliamentary reports.

National Council MPs want youth to run own affairs


Members of Parliament in the National Council are concerned over youth not being given equal opportunity in decision-making in the political affairs of the country.

They raised this when contributing to the report tabled by Swapo Party MP Emma Muteka, who attended the forum of young parliamentarians held in Luanda, Angola, during the 147th Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU Assembly in October.

The foundation topic discussed at the IPU was the campaign "I Say Yes to Youth in Parliament'.

NC MPs expresse concern for public health over use of hooka pipes


Members of Parliament in the National Council expressed concern for public health over the use of hooka pipes, or, as they are otherwise popularly known, hubbly bubbly, especially when shared.

They were contributing to the motion tabled by Swapo Party MP Richard !Gaoseb, which includes the need for an analysis of its health side effects.

Swapo MP Hans Nambondi said that when shared between individuals from mouth to mouth, hubbly bubbly can potentially facilitate the transmission of infectious diseases or communicable diseases.

NC holds workshop to enhance public participation


The National Council Parliamentary Standing Committees and civil society organisations held a workshop in Windhoek to enhance public participation in the oversight activities of the committees for the strengthening of democratic initiatives and social justice.

Civil society organisations in Namibia continue to play an important role in supporting human rights and democracy, as well as promoting transparency, accountability, and social justice.

However, very often, civil societies feel left out of national issues as their mandate is misunderstood.