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Miss Namibia Jameela |Uiras returns


Miss Namibia Jameela |Uiras returned from her Miss Universe journey to a warm welcome at the Hosea Kutako International Airport yesterday.

|Uiras who clinched the title of Miss Face of the Universe, was greeted by a jubilant crowd led by the ǂNisa ǂNukhoen of |Ai||ams with entertainment provided by the police's brass band.

Her dedication and hard work shone through as she secured a coveted spot in the top 20, competing against beauty queens from 84 countries.

Menzies Aviation dealt yet another blow


Menzies Aviation was dealt yet another blow in its attempts to reverse a decision to award ground handling services to a competitor, Paragon Investments.

The High Court today dismissed Menzies Aviation's latest urgent application, in which the company asks that it be permitted to resume ground handling services at the Hosea Kutako International Airport.

Menzies Aviation was evicted from the international airport on August 19.

Menzies Aviation hands over cargo


A British-owned ground handling service provider at the Hosea Kutako International Airport, Menzies Aviation, has finally complied with a request from the Namibia Airports Company (NAC) to hand over cargo in its possession to the Namibia Revenue Agency (NamRa) to release it to the owners.

This was confirmed by Dan Kamati, the NAC's spokesperson to nbc News.

Blood reagents stored at HKIA to be released


The Namibia Airport Company (NAC)'s Chief Executive Officer, Bisey |Uirab, has stated that the company met with relevant parties through the High Court-initiated mediation process to release cargo stored at the Hosea Kutako International Airport (HKIA).

This follows a cargo dispute during the eviction of Menzies Aviation from the airport.

The cargo in question includes urgent blood reagents needed by the Blood Transfusion Service of Namibia, which were in the possession of Menzies Aviation during their eviction from the HKIA.

Windhoek-Hosea Kutako International Airport phase one extension opens


The Windhoek-Hosea Kutako International Airport phase one extension-southern link has been officially opened for drivers. Conrad Lutombi, CEO of the Roads Authority, announced the opening in Windhoek.

This 5-kilometre stretch of road, connecting to the Police Roadblock on the Windhoek-Rehoboth road, was completed over two years at a cost of three million dollars. The link allows traffic from Okahandja to travel to the Rehoboth police checkpoint without passing through Windhoek.

Paragon Aviation ground handling services at HKIA


Lawyer Sisa Namandje says Paragon Aviation is prepared to commence its ground handling services at Hosea Kutako International Airport (HKIA).

This decision comes subsequent to the High Court's rejection of an appeal initiated by British-owned Menzies Aviation.

The appeal was directed against a prior High Court ruling mandating Menzies Aviation to vacate the premises of Hosea Kutako International Airport.

U.S First Lady arrives in Namibia


The First Lady of the United States of America, Jill Biden, has arrived in Namibia for a two-day official visit.

Dr. Biden touched down at the Hosea Kutako International Airport this afternoon.

This is Dr. Biden's maiden visit to the land of the brave and her first stop on a five-day Africa tour as part of a push to strengthen America's ties with the continent. 

Biden was met by her Namibian counterpart, Monica Geingos.

Miss Namibia receives heroes welcome as she returns from Miss Universe pageant 


Family. friends and fans flocked to the Hosea Kutako International Airport to welcome Miss Namibia Cassia Sharpley.

Sharpley returned home from New Orleans, Louisiana, United States of America, where she participated in the Miss Universe pageant.

It was an emotional affair for the beauty queen as her father, alongside her grandmother, welcomed her at the airport.

The beauty queen says it was an honor to represent Namibia internationally and quite an experience and journey for her.

NamRa confiscated cocaine valued at N$5,1 million


The Namibia Revenue Agency on Sunday confiscated cocaine valued at N$5,1 million at the Hosea Kutako International Airport, and a 40-year-old South African national has been arrested in connection with the incident.

The drugs were discovered concealed in the South African national's luggage after a scanning process was conducted.

The cocaine powder weighed 10,270 kg.

The suspect, who was coming from Brazil, is currently in the hands of the police and is set to appear in court in the coming days.