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The Namibian government is finalizing its internship framework program to offer more opportunities to graduates from universities, colleges, and vocational training institutions.

This was said by the Minister of Works and Transport, John Mutorwa, at the awarding of certificates to graduates of the Namibia Council for Architects and Quantity Surveyors.

Mutorwa encouraged the architects to ensure that every building they work on serves a purpose.

"To create real architecture, you, the architects, the designers of buildings, must succeed in making absolutely sure that your design is met without any compromise whatsoever. Such a building must be strong, have sound construction, and be suitable for its intended function. Sure, such buildings must also be appealing and satisfying just by looking at them."

The president of the Namibia Council for Architects and Quantity Surveyors, Delano Kloppers, emphasized the importance of assessing professional competence and legal mandate.

"A high-quality standard of service delivery to the public is needed to minimize the risk to the public of inferior and overpriced service delivery. To create an economic environment for the transfer of skills to in-training candidates, and to create well-trained and experienced professionals. As of 2023, the council is proud to announce that we currently have 146 registered architects, 38 architects in training, 89 registered quantity surveyors, and 60 quaint surveyors in training."

Natache Iilonga shared the challenges she encountered during the training.

"Maybe the challenges are more like the difference between coming from university and going to practice. It's two different worlds, and the challenges are adaptive to that. Having to quickly pick up the terminology things that are said on construction sites is not that easy because now you are dealing with also other professional engineers."

Mutorwa also said the country needs more engineers and that the engineers should have a harmonious relationship with their buildings.

Photo Credits
nbc Digital News


Maria Kaalushu