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The Minister of Works and Transport, John Mutorwa has highlighted the importance of developing rural roads as a foundation for the country's economy. 

Mutorwa emphasized that infrastructure development acts as a catalyst for economic growth, social progress, and plays a significant role in enhancing global competitiveness and attracting investments.

The Works and Transport Minister said this during a groundbreaking ceremony to mark the commencement of construction of the Tsandi-Omugulugwoombashe road, also known as District Road 3633, in the Omusati Region.

"To reiterate that development of rural roads forms a strong base of our national economy. It is a powerful instrument for social-economy transformation for the villages, constituencies, regions and the whole country. For that reason, the importance of providing rural feeders or access roads must not be ignored or undermined in the context of the attainment of our national economy and social goals."

The government, Mutorwa says, has allocated N$35 million for a project that will span 22 kilometers from Tsandi to the Omugulugwoombashe Memorial Site and Shrine. 

The construction will be carried out in two phases over the next 10 months by local companies.

It is estimated that the project will create employment opportunities for approximately 40 individuals from the surrounding areas, who will be engaged as laborers.


Photo Credits
MICT Omusati

