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Transport Minister says roads are foundation for country's economy


The Minister of Works and Transport, John Mutorwa has highlighted the importance of developing rural roads as a foundation for the country's economy. 

Mutorwa emphasized that infrastructure development acts as a catalyst for economic growth, social progress, and plays a significant role in enhancing global competitiveness and attracting investments.

The Works and Transport Minister said this during a groundbreaking ceremony to mark the commencement of construction of the Tsandi-Omugulugwoombashe road, also known as District Road 3633, in the Omusati Region.

Omusati Region has seen significant growth and development since independence


The great Omusati Region, like many others, has seen significant growth and development since the country's independence.

The region's name, Omusati, comes from the Mopane tree, known in the local vernacular as omusati, which is the dominant tree species across the region.
The region, which is home to about 243,000 inhabitants, has six local authorities, which are Oshikuku, Okahao, Oshifo, Ruacana, Tsandi, and Outapi as its capital, and the officially proclaimed Onandjaba with two settlements, Onesi and Ogongo.

Onesi and Tsandi residents in Omusati irked by delays in gravel road upgrade


Some frustrated residents of the Onesi and Tsandi constituencies in the Omusati Region have expressed dissatisfaction with the delay in the upgrading of Epalela-Onesi-Tsandi gravel road to bitumen standards.

The group held a demonstration and petitioned the Omusati Regional Governor, Erginus Endjala, saying road users are frustrated over the long overdue upgrading of the road.

NHE constructing houses in five towns


The National Housing Enterprise (NHE) is currently constructing 65 houses at Gobabis, 50 at Omuthiya, 70 at Okahao, 33 at Tsandi, and 24 at Ondangwa.

The houses will be constructed predominantly through phase 2 of the NHE’s turnkey construction model (RFP) and are expected to cost N$75 million.

Through this model, NHE contracts with private developers on a turnkey basis. This model requires NHE to partner with private financiers who construct houses using their own capital and are only paid after the sale of the constructed houses.